The Organiser Collection

The  Organiser Range is a new direction of products for Wren. Not so much in practical application but in more construction.

We have always taken the process of sewing, as in, we cut, fuse, stitch inside out, turn the right way, finish up and viola. With this collection we took the process of paper, as in, we cut, fuse, FOLD and stitch. This allows us to create tighter, smaller spaces without risking tearing the paper. Lines, edges and shapes are sharper and less organic. It is a different look but still retains what makes Wren products special > they are made from real paper made durable!

To start, we have three products  in the collection: The Slim Wallet, The Travel Folder and The Notebook Organiser.

Wren Organiser Range Wallet TravelFolder hres

There is magic in magnets and we spent a lot of time working out where we could place them so that they would not damage credit cards or phones. We also did not want bulky thick magnetic clips that you see in all other magnetic closures so it took some time to work out how we could “hide” them. We love our magnetic snap solution. We love it so much that we put two in the Notebook Organiser – you can close the cover right-to-left, or left-to-right! This is a great feature for left-handers who can instinctively close the cover the right way.

wren NotebookOrganiser Natural Open Lres e1522051072136

The Slim wallet is our favourite becuase you really cannot get simpler than this! It fits a stack of cards and cash and no wallet is slimmer than this! You might find some tyvek wallets that are also super slim but thats plastic and who wants more plastic in their lives? None of us here at Wren that’s for sure!

Wren Slim Wallet Backpocket



Wren Slim Wallet Top lres 1Natural and Black Slim Wallet

wren NotebookOrganiser Natural Front Lres 3

Natural and Black Notebook Organiser with Notebook