My South African Toile

I adore Toile‘s. They are so intricate and beautiful. I have done a range of South African inspired Toile’s for Carol Mills Fabrics which I will show you one day but today I thought I would show you the first one I did and one which I still hope I can find a purpose for one day.

toile-1.jpgInspiration came from South African things: The doilie (drawn as a floor mat)  underneath the wrought-iron table with a chicken sitting on top of the plates and cups; my next door neighborus who are actors and actress’s with their dog ‘Didi’, an old wagon wheel, a bird cage inside a suitcase with Mossies on and there is even a garden knome that you find in so many old South African gardens.


I also super-imposed using photo shop the design into a setting to show an example of how it could be used (below).


The design is a little rough on the edges and not as refined as traditional Toile du Jouy’s but perhaps that is not a bad thing. I am still trying to ‘hear’ what this design wants or needs to feel finished. Any ideas?

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